Saturday, November 29, 2008


So as you can tell by the title, we now have to give away 8 puppies. Cassie had them on Friday after Thanksgiving. I'm not sure which ones are girls or which ones are boys, but I can tell you that later. They are all black and white. Some have a little bit of brown in them. They are all the sweetest even now when you pick them up they don't even really whine. Cassie is fine too, she lets you pick them up and hold them for a minute, but when she's ready for you to put them down she'll let you know. If you are interested in one you can comment me. Also I'll put pictures up soon when their a little older and I can actually hold them for a little longer. On to other things, we have a mouse in our house. Actually I guess you can call it a RAT. I'm not so fond of rats. Their nasty and mean and just ulgh. Anyways I named the rat..there are only a few peopele who would know what I named the rat. Danielle should(: Oh by the way, the puppies are half boxer and half boston terrier. I know they sound ugly but their really not, and they don't get that big. Thats all for now. Don't forget to comment if you want one.(:
Happy Holidays..

Monday, November 17, 2008

:) my baby

Ok, so last month my neighbors got their pictures done by Dawn Winton for the arrival of Hadassah Rose. Well we have been checking her thing everyday to see if they were up yet. Today we checked and theres a picture of my baby Cassie smiling. Cassie is mine and Morgan's boxer. We got her last year when we went school shopping. She's having puppies now so if you want one just ask me about them. They are the most adorable puppies you'll ever see./ Anyways, in the picture she's a little dirty and you'll know its her because she's white and she's the only dog smiling on that page. You should go check it out (:
Have a great day,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ok so I see it's been a while since I've been on here. I've been busy, well kind of. I found out I had mono so I've slept a lot. I think I sleep more than my mom now. If you know her you'll understand. But I was up today and I thought I would get on here and do this. Well actually I'm about to make my wishlist for Christmas! I can't wait. I love Christmas time. Everybody's so nice to each other. I love it. (: I think it's fun getting to see all of your family and laughing and talking, because for some people thats the only time they get to see their family. So I hope everybody has a fun Christmas shopping time and I'm sure I'll be back on here before Christmas!(maybe:])